PROJECT BLACK FEATHER – What’s in the name?

It means many things to many people; many cultures believe if you find a black feather it can motivate reflection for transition and change. The black feather is considered a symbol and reminder to be open to shifting your perspective, adapting to new experiences, and welcoming the wisdom and truth of others.


PROJECT BLACK FEATHER’S  (PBF) role is to focus on responding to concerns or worries that a child or family may be vulnerable to exploitation or targeted for gang recruitment. PBF will assess Exploitation Vulnerability Risk Factors to identify and target specific risk factors with the goal to disrupt and prevent students and family exploitation by peers/adults or other negative influencers within our community.


  1. Identify and Report concerns** that a student is potentially vulnerable to gang exploitation or recruitment (e.g. absenteeism, disengagement from school, concerning socialization and/or other worries) to the Project Black Feather on-line form.

**If concerned the child or youth is in immediate risk or danger call 911 and/or if child protection related, please use appropriate Child Abuse/Protection Reporting guidelines (reporting verbally directly to MCFD at 1-800-663-9122 or if aboriginal ancestry, FVACFSS at 1-866-851-4619).

  1. PBF Team member will place student on base roster and reach out to the person reporting the concern and interview determining Exploitation Risk level.
  2. PBF Team will notify those concerned around placement, either:
  3. A) Active Roster (direct interventions) or
  4. B) Transition Roster (help in accessing services) or
  5. C) Will remain on Base Roster (to continue to collect information, but no direct services)
  6. D) Any family member directly connected to the student may also be transitioned onto any of the three rosters.

Caseload Process/Guidelines

  1. Review of all information collected by Project Black Feather Clinician and shared with Intake Team (PBF Administration, PBF Members and Project Resiliency). Collaboration with guardians, community agencies and catchment school emphasized.
  2. Priority and roster placement based on Social Exploitation Assessment Tool (and other family/community partner reported vulnerabilities) and immediate High Risk priority.


Intake Form