Board News: Tuesday, September 27, 2016
September 30, 2016
Presentation: Orange Shirt Day
Principal of Aboriginal Programs Micheal Morgan presented the Board of Education with information regarding the observance of Orange Shirt Day in the district. Events have been taking place at schools through the week of September 26-30th with assemblies and learning activities focussed on the stories of Indian Residential School Survivors as well as truth and reconciliation. Many schools pledged their commitment to Truth and Reconciliation efforts last year and have made great strides in showing ‘Every Child Matters’. For more information on Orange Shirt Day, view the presentation by Mr Morgan or visit
Superintendent’s Report: Framework for Enhancing Student Learning – Inclusive Education
Superintendent Gord Stewart invited Director of Learning Support Services Lisa Dolinski to address the Board and share District and Learning Support Services goals including:
- An opportunity for all students to engage in learning that is meaningful to their needs through the revised curriculum.
- Understanding that all behaviour is communication and how staff can appropriately program to support students.
- Focus on a strength-based culture and needs-based intervention.
- Outlining innovative practices to meet the needs of learners and staff.
- Promoting the philosophy “100% of staff for 100% of our students”.
Superintendent’s Report: Re-designed Curriculum Implementation – Reporting
Sam Muraca, District Vice-Principal of Educational Planning provided an update of the Interim Reporting Order for the 2016/17 School Year. Early in 2016, the Ministry of Education met on reporting practices with district superintendents, leadership teams, the BC Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association (BCPVPA), and with a teacher group selected by the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF). This was followed by two joint sessions with BCPVPA and BCTF representatives in March and June of 2016.
Superintendent’s Report: Community Information Meeting on Middle School Programming
Superintendent Gord Stewart shared information regarding the upcoming Community Information Meeting on Middle School Programming. The information meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 5, 6:30-9:30pm, all are welcome. The session is designed to provide information on middle schools and their educational and social benefits to parents. After the larger district session, smaller sessions will be held in communities where the district does not currently have middle schools. It is hoped that by providing informational sessions, better discussion and consultation may occur in the future if implementation of more middle schools in the district is pursued.
Superintendent’s Report: Summer Session 2016
Summer Session Principal of Secondary Ron Stare and Elementary Principal Cathy Gracie reviewed this year’s Summer Session. Over four thousand students took part in the course offerings – another record year. And only a small part of the courses were remedial with most being far from the older notion of summer school for repeating courses that were not a success in the regular school year. Most of the programs were enrichment programs that allowed students to delve deeper into subjects they already enjoyed or to explore new courses that appealed to them directly. Science programs, outdoor Eco Education and Fine Arts programs made up just some of the offerings that were spread across the district in a number of locations that allowed for access to students from all over Langley.
Secretary Treasurer’s Report: Five Year Capital Plan 2016-2017
The Ministry of Education requires school districts to submit annually a Five-Year Capital Plan which is
intended to prioritize the district’s investment decisions related to capital projects. District’s are required to submit their plans by September 30, 2016. The Board passed a motion for the acceptance of the Secretary Treasurer’s Report and Five Year Capital Plan. The LRFP provides the rationale for specific projects that may be proposed as part of a Board of Education’s Five Year Capital Plan. In addition, the LRFP provides a district-wide framework for other key local decisions, such as school consolidations and locations for district programs.