Board News: Tuesday, February 23, 2016

February 26, 2016

Superintendent’s Report: District Calendars 2016-2019

The Board of Education approved the District Calendars for the 2016-2107, 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years, as presented. The District Calendar shows the ‘high-level’ information like Spring Break and Winter Break dates along with days not in session and tentative professional development days. Calendars that contain information on specific school calendars will be brought before the Board in May, 2016. During the consultation process October to November of 2015, feedback was minimal aside from most respondents indicating a wish to have Langley School District calendars align with other school districts in regard to break times.

Click to view 2016-2019 District Calendars

Click to view 2016-2019 District Calendars

Superintendent’s Report: Willoughby Slope Catchments

Willoughby Slope Catchments - Regular 2016Feb23_page1 At the June 16, 2015 meeting of the Board of Education, the Board requested that District staff begin the process of re-drawing school catchment boundaries on the Willoughby Slope effective for the 2017-2018 school year. Since that time District staff has explored draft options to address school populations of the Willoughby Slope elementary schools. The Board also requested that staff work with the community, schools and the Township of Langley to maintain the current configuration of schools (K-5, 6-8, 9-12) in drafting catchment options. Proposed plans for looking at catchment changes have maintained the current configurations as requested. Proposed plans were brought forward to the Board for their information at the February 23, 2016 meeting in order to begin a public consultation process with the Willoughby Slope community.

On February 15, 2016 a small group from the Willoughby Slope community made up of PAC members and school administrators met with District staff to provide feedback on the consultation process going forward. Based on the feedback gathered, District staff will hold information meetings for parents and staff at Willoughby Slope elementary schools to outline the process taken so far, the options that were reviewed by staff and the proposed catchment changes. Community members will be able to provide feedback at these presentations, via online form or via a dedicated email address at

More information on the Willoughby Slope Catchments and consultation may be found here.

Superintendent’s Report: K-9 Curriculum Re-Design

K-9 Curriculum Implementation - Regular 2016Feb23_page1Assistant Superintendent Gord Stewart provided a summary of the January 15, 2016 Curriculum Implementation Day along with information on upcoming events in support of the K-9 curriculum changes that some into effect September 2016. Mr Stewart also outlined the strategies and workshops that the Instructional Services Department continues to provide staff to assist with this transition.

Secretary Treasurer’s Report: Amended Budget Bylaw 2015-2016

2015-2016 Amended Annual Budget February 23, 2016_page1The Board of Education approved the amended annual budget by passing a bylaw at its February 23, 2016 meeting after a detailed presentation by District staff.  The amended annual budget bylaw amount of $201,423,307 consists of the expenses in the in operating fund, the special purpose fund and the capital fund as well as capital purchases in special purpose and capital funds.  The operating fund component of the amended budget consists of total revenues of $177,788,716, total expenditures of $177,719,511 and capital purchases of $1,137,003.  The fund is balanced after an appropriation of prior years’ surplus amount of $1,067,798.