A Welcome Back Message from the Board of Education

September 3, 2024

On behalf of the Langley Board of Education, I want to welcome back all students, staff, and families to our schools. As a growing District, more families are moving here and making Langley their home. For those that are new to the community, we wish for you to have a smooth transition and a positive start on your journey here in Langley. We hope everyone had a healthy, safe, and relaxing summer break and is ready to get back to school to learn together. We look forward to connecting with all of you as we all get settled into routines.

The Board and District is starting the school year with many things to celebrate, especially when it comes to capital projects. Students at Richard Bulpitt Elementary will be learning in a new modular building – the first of its kind in Langley! There is ongoing construction of the new elementary school in the Northeast Latimer neighbourhood. Other projects underway include the seismic upgrades and expansion at Peter Ewart Middle as well as a new addition at Langley Secondary. The Board will continue to advocate for more schools and will work with the Ministry of Education and Child Care to help bring in more learning spaces for our increasing enrolment. Aside from the large-scale projects, our Facilities and Maintenance, Custodial and Information Technology departments have been busy at work these past months making improvements and getting things ready for the new school year. I want to thank all our District staff who continue to complete projects to help fulfill the operations goals of the Strategic Plan. We appreciate all you do to help create and maintain clean, beautiful, accessible, and positive learning spaces.

The Board will continue to work with District staff to ensure the systems and structures are in place to help meet the education goals of the Strategic Plan. We are confident that our administrators, teachers, and staff will be doing what they can to support our students’ learning, health, safety, and well-being. My hope for students, staff, and families is for them to be able to walk into their school every day and feel like they belong.

Have an amazing school start and many successes through the 2024-2025 school year!

Thank you,

Candy Ashdown
Chair Langley Board of Education